Michael Gregory Lehman
Found his rest unexpectedly on Friday, December 18, 2020, at the age of 40. Son of Keith(Norleen) and Susan Wakefield. Brother of Jay(George), Larry, Branden Woodbridge, Dusty Woodbridge, and Emily Quito. Uncle of Finn. Grandson of Bee Goodreau. Nephew of Chuck Wakefield. Loving Father of K …read more
Michael Gregory Lehman
Found his rest unexpectedly on Friday, December 18, 2020, at the age of 40. Son of Keith(Norleen) and Susan Wakefield. Brother of Jay(George), Larry, Branden Woodbridge, Dusty Woodbridge, and Emily Quito. Uncle of Finn. Grandson of Bee Goodreau. Nephew of Chuck Wakefield. Loving Father of K 17, Hazel 13, Lorelei 5 and Walter 3. Fiancé and love of Beth Thompson. Ex-husband of Maddie Lehman. Best friend to Jen Sizemore and Joey Bink. Further loved by many other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by grandparents Donald and Donna Lehman, grandfather Larry Wakefield, and son Hugo.
Virtual service by family to be set at a later date followed by a celebration of life bonfire at a future date determined by health concerns to improve safe interactions for everyone.
He loved games, movies, and comics. Marvel and especially Wolverine were his favorites. He enjoyed a good meal at home followed by a family movie night. He loved history and talked about going back to school to become a teacher or physical therapist with his love for physical fitness which involved kettlebell training which he tried to do every day. Michael was a self-proclaimed heathen with a mischievous streak. Music helped him relax and he would be found listening to music with headphones. He was certainly proud to be a father and loved his children wholeheartedly. May he be up in Valhalla partying with Odin and causing mischief with Loki.
First Spiritualist Church of West Allis posted on 12/28/20
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. We have some good memories of Michael with his children at church, he always had a smile and a friendly word for everyone!