Condolences for Patricia Ann Gutschenritter

Jean Henke posted on 9/27/23

Pat was a devoted Rent-A-Daughter caregiver for 11 years. She was a highly valued employee who displayed dependability, honesty and integrity. She had a wonderful attitude that she brought to each of her many clients. Pat was kind and compassionate and loving to those she served. We were privileged to call her a Rent-A-Daughter as well as a friend for 11 years. She has fought the good fight and has finished the May Pat rest in peace in the presence of Jesus.


Holly wozniak posted on 9/18/23

I was Pat's caregiver for this last year. We became friends instantly. She was such a kind soul. We talked for hours about everything. I remember being so nervous when I first met her because she had been a caregiver too. I thought she would pick apart everything I did. That was not the case. The last 6 months I got to be with her every morning. I told her she was the best part of my day. I miss her so much but know we will see eachother again.God has truly blessed me with the friendship we shared.


Marcia Borzynski posted on 9/13/23

Patty and I shared/celebrated our birthdays together. When I first met Patty she told me the date of her birthday and I asked for some ID. I didn’t believe her. You see, we were “birthday sisters.” Our birthdays were the same month and date. We always enjoyed wishing each other a Happy Birthday! I’ll always think of her especially on our special day.


Cheryl Horst posted on 9/12/23

Patty and I have been friends for many years, and what a pleasure she was She had so many great qualities, to name a few, she was so sweet and had so much care and concern for myself and my family. She would always ask how we were all doing and always wanted to hear about my grand children and my great grandchild, Alianna. She would love the pictures I would send her and want to know about the projects we were doing and how school was going. Those memories of Patty are a treasured gift as I will remember her by. She will greatly be missed.❤️


Miller Genevieve posted on 9/11/23

The loss of Patty will certainly leave a void in the heart of those near her, especially her sister, Carole. Of the three sisters Patty, Carole and Janet, Patty being small and petite, seemed to be well adjusted , strong and independent. She knew how to get things done, what she wanted, and didn’t rely on many. Very self-sufficient and happy. I remember her kind heart, softness and that she did have a strong faith in God. She was faithful, prayerful and moral. I remember her as a good person and religious in the things that she thought to be true. But Jesus is where she was putting her faith and trust for help and comfort even before her major health issues and it deepened through the process of the journey she was going through until her passing. The Lord is faithful to hear the cries of those who call out to him in any situation at any time, and Patty did this. Genny