Condolences for Barry Lee Luckenbill
I wonder if Barry is the son of Ike and Jane Luckenbill of San Jose - Ike was my father’s brother. Thanks
The Lost of a Real friend. I only knew Mr.Barry for a short time, but it was a great time. I remember taking care of him and he always told me even though I’m not blood related; I’m apart of the family. I loved how you seen me as pure, happy, and very intelligent. Even though, I shared with you I felt the total opposite, and you always makes me smile. Such a sweet soul. I want to believe his soul is free amongst the beautiful flowers and green grass. We use to watch birds and talk about how much beauty is just in his back yard. Maybe we all should think like Mr.Barry when it comes to unexpected changes; Go to your happy place and find beauty in the midst of chaos❤️
Vacation, camping, fishing, beach, playing with all our kids, Big Sur, medicine, babies, life misshim
Lee was a friend. I enjoyed his insights and ideas (in bookclub) and golfing with him was always a treat. Sorry to see you go, Lee. Lauren, Julia, and Elliott: I send you my thoughts and hope you can hold fond memories of your Dad.
Michael Luckenbill posted on 1/17/22