Condolences for Floyd Thomas Jr.
I love you brother and you will always missed! I know that God has embraced you in his arms and brought you home, and while you’re up there can you please explain to God how you broke my pinky toe on grandma Luceil‘s porch in the summer of 1987. LOL You were always a prankster always full the life always lots of fun. So I hope you tell God “what I know is...she was sitting on the porch reading her book and I came up behind her unexpectedly grabs her and She kicked her leg out and hit the brick banister and broke her pinky toe” LOL thank you for sitting in the emergency room with me for four hours. And when I came out you looked at my foot and said damn all they did was put tape on three toes? I had tape at home! LOL love you brother!
Tabatha Laskosky posted on 4/24/21