Condolences for Patsy Jean Koren
Patsy was a sparkler of beauty, sass and love! I adored bumping into her as she mall-walked...she always looked beautiful and I envied her zest for life! Sending my love to her entire family. I feel saddened for your loss, but happy for Patsy that she can kiss her Sam again!
My heartfelt sympathy to Lisa, Lori, Davey and Danny Koren and entire family. I loved your mother very much. I have many, many wonderful memories of spending time with your parents and all of you. Vacationing together at the cabin in Crivitz, swimming, skiing, boating and most of all laughing!! I remember when we were all arguing about who gets the last bit of ice cream in the container, since there wasn’t enough for all. Finally, after much arguing, Pat took the container, put it in the sink and ran the water all over it. That ended the argument!! I’ll never forget that or looking at each other’s faces!!!! I remember David and I going on a caribbean cruise with Sam and Pat and my parents, Bobbie and Don. We had an absolute blast!!! Your Mother (and Father) were so much fun to be with and were wonderful friends to my parents and us. I always admired how young and beautiful Pat looked whenever I saw her, she truly looked 20 yrs younger than her age. And she had such beautiful taste in clothes!! She was a wonderful person and I know she will be terribly missed by everyone. But the memories will live on in vivid, living color, like the vibrant person Pat was. Love you all, Donna and David Karp
My mom was one of the best cooks I ever knew . She taught me many important things about cooking and I have a Love of cooking like no one else! I'm fact my friend's know me to have a cooking disorder . Unlike my mom, I make way too much food and want to feed my friends and family. As frugal as my mom was, she did a few extremely generous things for me. She told me about LASIK corrective eye surgery and told me "I want you to get it and I'm going to l pay for it!" She also took me and stayed with me. She arranged for me to have braces at Marquette dental school (discounted because I had a special case) . I was the only one in the family to get those! She had a passion for rummage sales and finding good deals wherever she went. I'll always remember her as the most beautiful girl in the world, looking stunning in the picture taken with Lisa and my newborn daughter Lindsay. My parents always kidded each other that my dad married her for her cute button nose and she married him for his sense of humor. My mom was funny and she brought out that in me. Life is fun when you find the humor wherever you can. We were all blessed to have her in our lives!
So many beautiful memories, here are some that come to mind about my beautiful Grandma, My Girlfriend! [ ] My True Girlfriend! She brightened everyone's day with just saying, "hey girlfriend" [ ] Our love for glittery/sparkly items especially clothing [ ] She would sing to Mia and let her play with her bunnies, which Mia loved [ ] She would crack up everytime I would put Snapchat filters on [ ] Telling us all about the senior center jokes [ ] Her love for coconut shrimp [ ] We would play card games especially kings in the corner and gin rummy [ ] We would watch Grandpas attic when we had sleepovers [ ] Grandma spent a couple Valentines at the Olive Garden with Max and I [ ] She loved to show off her garden especially her Tangeria corner and cute baby birds by her window [ ] We would climb up the hill by her house and play at the school playground [ ] She loved her handy man Max who she would keep a running list for him when he stopped over, several items due to her shortness and his tallness helped out [ ] We would make apple sauce out of the apples in her backyard
Holly (Surges) Gregory posted on 4/22/21